jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2012
Dos mundos y una persona.
Es curioso a vivir fuera de tu país. Con el tiempo que pasas metido en otra cultura, aprendes más sobre ti mismo, y sobre quien eres realmente. Vengo a mi país y hablo, leo y comunico en inglés. Hay menos pegas, menos desafios diarios, pero también menos estimulación mental por un lado-en Barcelona mis sentidos no dejan de ser golpeado...
miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012
Love, one of the most readily used words in the dictionary.
Waking up with this word in one´s head after being influenced by an astonishingly beautiful film depicting an elderly couple dealing with the consequences of illness, and the inevitability of death and loneliness.
As we approach Christmas, feelings of love and loyalty towards certain people start to stir within.A sensation that is unavoidable; it seeps over you as you think about what to buy your loved ones, and you become increasingly aware of the ever present festive influences all around.
Christmas is a sad time of year. Death hangs over it for some, as loved ones were lost around the festive dates.Loneliness is ever present in people who cannot be with their loved ones, or who are simply alone in this World.Other sensitive souls see the side that children are meant not to see; where hope and excitement rule their small worlds. As our Worlds expand, there is the threat that fear, criticism, complex reasoning, hatred and other such ´negative´ emotions will come into play.
The aforementioned film shows love in it´s most pure form. A brutally realistic and slow paced French film; it´s main topic being the cruelty of illness and old age. An expansive, grand Parisian flat with acres of unused space counterbalancing the enormity of what is occurring to the two protagonists.
Illness is there to test us all,and our levels of compassion and selflessness. Is it by nature selfish to ask to be loved?Is it selfish to love how one wants to love?
Returning to Christmas, buying presents for others can be a joyful experience. It forces one to shed their built up layers of day to day selfishness (if it can be called that). However, buying and giving by it´s nature can not ever be purely and truly selfless; it is related to the giver´s needs and wants also.
However, in general the complexity of human nature and human relationships can not be avoided.Each of us has a history and a past with either close or distant family members, parents or children.Buying presents, as well as giving and receiving, seems to temporarily mask the unspoken demons. Or perhaps it´s intention is to show these people that you do love them, and the past is ´gone´.
Serving somebody else; helping them into old age, being there for them in the most intimate of situations and watching them suffer is a mark of love.In it´s purest form?Most certainly close to it.Sadness is in it´s purest form is also utterly beautiful.This magnificent French film and Christmas time as a whole, both resonate deeply. They have, and will continue to evoke a sadness and sensibility that is quite literally pure, unadulterated emotion.
Waking up with this word in one´s head after being influenced by an astonishingly beautiful film depicting an elderly couple dealing with the consequences of illness, and the inevitability of death and loneliness.
As we approach Christmas, feelings of love and loyalty towards certain people start to stir within.A sensation that is unavoidable; it seeps over you as you think about what to buy your loved ones, and you become increasingly aware of the ever present festive influences all around.
Christmas is a sad time of year. Death hangs over it for some, as loved ones were lost around the festive dates.Loneliness is ever present in people who cannot be with their loved ones, or who are simply alone in this World.Other sensitive souls see the side that children are meant not to see; where hope and excitement rule their small worlds. As our Worlds expand, there is the threat that fear, criticism, complex reasoning, hatred and other such ´negative´ emotions will come into play.
The aforementioned film shows love in it´s most pure form. A brutally realistic and slow paced French film; it´s main topic being the cruelty of illness and old age. An expansive, grand Parisian flat with acres of unused space counterbalancing the enormity of what is occurring to the two protagonists.
Illness is there to test us all,and our levels of compassion and selflessness. Is it by nature selfish to ask to be loved?Is it selfish to love how one wants to love?
Returning to Christmas, buying presents for others can be a joyful experience. It forces one to shed their built up layers of day to day selfishness (if it can be called that). However, buying and giving by it´s nature can not ever be purely and truly selfless; it is related to the giver´s needs and wants also.
However, in general the complexity of human nature and human relationships can not be avoided.Each of us has a history and a past with either close or distant family members, parents or children.Buying presents, as well as giving and receiving, seems to temporarily mask the unspoken demons. Or perhaps it´s intention is to show these people that you do love them, and the past is ´gone´.
Serving somebody else; helping them into old age, being there for them in the most intimate of situations and watching them suffer is a mark of love.In it´s purest form?Most certainly close to it.Sadness is in it´s purest form is also utterly beautiful.This magnificent French film and Christmas time as a whole, both resonate deeply. They have, and will continue to evoke a sadness and sensibility that is quite literally pure, unadulterated emotion.
lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012
General Strike in Spain; mixed thoughts
Is the fact that most weeks here in Spain we seem to have some form
of strike, holiday or seemingly unneccesary days off rather perplexing for the non Spanish resident?Maybe as a foreigner (albeit one that feels very well
installed in the Catalan society) my views on this subject would
inevitably differ from those of native Catalans or Spanish people.
As a freelancer I don't maintain a 9 to 5 schedule.Therefore taking four consecutive days off for Halloween, (or at the start of December as is planned for next weeks´ ´puente´), is not something that positively affects my bank account, nor my mood.
Here in Catalonia, the sheer mention of the term 'vaga' seems to say it all.A lazy, non laboral day in which hoodied, agitated crowds gather to annoy those who wish to work.Or is it?The press would certainly have us believe so.
On the other hand, and speaking from a personal point of view, if my own children were in school here or if I had a mortgage and a great deal of general stress, maybe I would indeed take to the streets in protest for my rights.
Can we state clearly whether protesting does indeed function effectively?Are those of us who don't participate lacking a social conscience?
Rejecting a days work in order to protest against the unstable work and economic situations here in Spain, does seem rather counter productive.Or are we simply missing the point?
It could simply be a case of losing your own set of values for a moment, and trying to forget how things would work in your own country.Being flexible and willing to absorb another set of principles and way of doing things whilst living in another country, is an almost must.However, the interesting, and sometimes conflicting mindset of a foreigner and it´s host country, is the key to how one responds to such socially explosive activities.
As a freelancer I don't maintain a 9 to 5 schedule.Therefore taking four consecutive days off for Halloween, (or at the start of December as is planned for next weeks´ ´puente´), is not something that positively affects my bank account, nor my mood.
Here in Catalonia, the sheer mention of the term 'vaga' seems to say it all.A lazy, non laboral day in which hoodied, agitated crowds gather to annoy those who wish to work.Or is it?The press would certainly have us believe so.
On the other hand, and speaking from a personal point of view, if my own children were in school here or if I had a mortgage and a great deal of general stress, maybe I would indeed take to the streets in protest for my rights.
Can we state clearly whether protesting does indeed function effectively?Are those of us who don't participate lacking a social conscience?
Rejecting a days work in order to protest against the unstable work and economic situations here in Spain, does seem rather counter productive.Or are we simply missing the point?
It could simply be a case of losing your own set of values for a moment, and trying to forget how things would work in your own country.Being flexible and willing to absorb another set of principles and way of doing things whilst living in another country, is an almost must.However, the interesting, and sometimes conflicting mindset of a foreigner and it´s host country, is the key to how one responds to such socially explosive activities.
miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012
Viaje hacía Sevilla: ¿La verdadera españa?
1 a 4 de Junio 2012 Observaciones sevillanas
Primer encuentro: personal del hotel; me recomendaron ir a comer en un sitio se llama ´´Donalds´´. Antiguo, lleno de gente del barrio. Servilletas de papel desparramadas por el suelo..
La comida buenísima; tapas del día
y luego dos señores (quienes me estaban mirando no más entrar en el restaurante y por lo cual me puse hablar con ellos sobre la comida) me invitaron a tomar un café en otro sitio. Fui, y lo pasé muy bien en su compañía.Uno muy atractivo, un señor encantador con una energía muy masculina y constante. Me fascinaba.
Mas tarde un abogado con una vespa y una personalidad algo fiera.Una introducción a la vida nocturna de sevilla.
Dueño borracho de un bar ubicado por el casco historico. Un bar con un interior bastante curioso, decorado estilo religioso. Varias fotografías colgadas por las paredes, en que sale ese dueño posando con personajes de la iglesia.
Me dice: ´´eres una mujer que se quiere mucho a si misma.Se nota.Eres distinta´´. Le fascinaba la manera en que yo tenía pintados los ojos: dos colores de sombra; marrón y un azul brillante.
La noche seguía...
Paseando sola por las calles viendo lo que había de interés por allí:
Calor, ilusión y finalmente un respiro...
Las mujeres sevillanas clasicas y bastante arregladas. Parece que allí en sevilla hay mucho dinero para gastar en el aspecto.O simplemente mucho orgullo y estilo que les conducen a querer ser vistas.
Por otro lado a las mujeres me parecían demasiadas secas, bordes y duras.Una actitud que no te permite entrar en su mundo facilmente.Chispa entre ellas y yo: cero.
El rollo sevillano es, aparentemente, abierto.Pero vamos; a ver hasta que punto te acepten.Ví una sociedad basada en el machismo:algo que obviamente funciona para ellos.Las mujeres tienen su rol y los hombres se meten en su papel.
Primer encuentro: personal del hotel; me recomendaron ir a comer en un sitio se llama ´´Donalds´´. Antiguo, lleno de gente del barrio. Servilletas de papel desparramadas por el suelo..
y luego dos señores (quienes me estaban mirando no más entrar en el restaurante y por lo cual me puse hablar con ellos sobre la comida) me invitaron a tomar un café en otro sitio. Fui, y lo pasé muy bien en su compañía.Uno muy atractivo, un señor encantador con una energía muy masculina y constante. Me fascinaba.
Mas tarde un abogado con una vespa y una personalidad algo fiera.Una introducción a la vida nocturna de sevilla.
Dueño borracho de un bar ubicado por el casco historico. Un bar con un interior bastante curioso, decorado estilo religioso. Varias fotografías colgadas por las paredes, en que sale ese dueño posando con personajes de la iglesia.
Me dice: ´´eres una mujer que se quiere mucho a si misma.Se nota.Eres distinta´´. Le fascinaba la manera en que yo tenía pintados los ojos: dos colores de sombra; marrón y un azul brillante.
La noche seguía...
Paseando sola por las calles viendo lo que había de interés por allí:
Calor, ilusión y finalmente un respiro...
Las mujeres sevillanas clasicas y bastante arregladas. Parece que allí en sevilla hay mucho dinero para gastar en el aspecto.O simplemente mucho orgullo y estilo que les conducen a querer ser vistas.
Por otro lado a las mujeres me parecían demasiadas secas, bordes y duras.Una actitud que no te permite entrar en su mundo facilmente.Chispa entre ellas y yo: cero.
El rollo sevillano es, aparentemente, abierto.Pero vamos; a ver hasta que punto te acepten.Ví una sociedad basada en el machismo:algo que obviamente funciona para ellos.Las mujeres tienen su rol y los hombres se meten en su papel.
Barcelona Sociologia,
Polly Casson,
miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012
Barcelona como la gran meca que es para turistas varias, pór qué quedamos nosotros?
Tres años y medio aquí, y contando. Una vida llena de posibilidades, alegria y felicidad.Pero también de ciertos obstáculos.¿Pór y para qué a nosotros los extranjeros nos atrae tanto Barcelona?Como abejas a la miel, no dejamos de estar atraidos por lo bueno que nos ofrece esa ciudad.
Pero me pregunto; ¿Qué cosa nos hace sentir tan a gusto aquí, para decidir a quedarnos a largo plazo?
Pero me pregunto; ¿Qué cosa nos hace sentir tan a gusto aquí, para decidir a quedarnos a largo plazo?
miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012
An unexpected experience one Easter week
A number of months of sporadic emailing. A sense that he would be particularly reserved and formal.A desire to meet him but not over riding.
Months inbetween messages in which lives were lived, and energies focused on other projects and people.Two strangers living in separate countries: one in his, and the other elsewhere.
A casually planned meeting leading up to Easter weekend.The city thriving with tourists and a sense that time was on their side: holidays yearned for and now relished.
Physically no surprise: it was already understood from this side that there would be attraction.Not pleasantly surprised therefore: what had been expected, was indeed delivered.
An almost awkward but strangely comfortable first chat whilst walking through the streets.Trying to watch his face, but instead having to look down to avoid tripping or standing in something less desirable.Eye contact so important, but at times hard to encounter.
A perfectly chosen dinner in his second venue choice.Anchovies and cheese on bread; his own invention, or so it seemed. Ham, olives, white wine and beer. A dry sense of humour, disguised by a reserved and formal manner. Food consumed and particles of personality revealed.
No expectations: the complete opposite infact.Wondering if another drink would be suggested. It was.
Sitting together in the bar where Javier and Penelope had their fight in Vicky, Christina Barcelona. Drinking the strongest drink one could have chosen for a first date.Happy.
Another drink in a French inspired bar, and this time an amusing, more open conversation. Everything seemed so natural. laugther and feeling like oneself. His eyes were beautiful. His hair. His reserved but confident air.
Next stop the kebab shop, his friend´s deserted flat.A shot, some water. Nothing was expected but everything was gladly received.Kisses on the sofa.A warm arm wrapped around. An awkward but life enhancing moment.
A shower: cold floor, warm water. Cold floor, warm towel wrapped around a vulnerable but happy body. The mirror. The question. More laughter.Very comfortable. The kebab left to go cold on the floor outside the bathroom.
Someone else's bed. No hesitation. In the midst of such natural romanticism, the ultimate carnal act. Animalistic, yet sweet and beautiful.
Dressing again and about to leave. Change of mind, turning round to see him lying there promising a night of warmth and a mid morning breakfast. Back into bed, fully clothed. His arms automatically there to catch.
Awoken by the endless banging and crashing of the neighbours comings and goings. Heat. Nausea. Three separate trips to the toilet pan. Then back to the bed. A delicious post sickness sleep and then more romanticism. One toenail black with fluff. Pretty eyes. Calm, masculine energy.
Surprised to see him walk back into the room after his shower; fully dressed, handsome and smiley.
A breakfast between two new friends. Nice, but tainted by sickness. A lovely fairwell with promises of being in touch. No expectations but a sense of hope.His last comment said in English and somehow out of place.
A sunkissed walk home through the streets, with the remnants of the night before there for all to see; but a satisfaction and contentment that was sorely needed.
Months inbetween messages in which lives were lived, and energies focused on other projects and people.Two strangers living in separate countries: one in his, and the other elsewhere.
A casually planned meeting leading up to Easter weekend.The city thriving with tourists and a sense that time was on their side: holidays yearned for and now relished.
Physically no surprise: it was already understood from this side that there would be attraction.Not pleasantly surprised therefore: what had been expected, was indeed delivered.
An almost awkward but strangely comfortable first chat whilst walking through the streets.Trying to watch his face, but instead having to look down to avoid tripping or standing in something less desirable.Eye contact so important, but at times hard to encounter.
A perfectly chosen dinner in his second venue choice.Anchovies and cheese on bread; his own invention, or so it seemed. Ham, olives, white wine and beer. A dry sense of humour, disguised by a reserved and formal manner. Food consumed and particles of personality revealed.
No expectations: the complete opposite infact.Wondering if another drink would be suggested. It was.
Sitting together in the bar where Javier and Penelope had their fight in Vicky, Christina Barcelona. Drinking the strongest drink one could have chosen for a first date.Happy.
Another drink in a French inspired bar, and this time an amusing, more open conversation. Everything seemed so natural. laugther and feeling like oneself. His eyes were beautiful. His hair. His reserved but confident air.
Next stop the kebab shop, his friend´s deserted flat.A shot, some water. Nothing was expected but everything was gladly received.Kisses on the sofa.A warm arm wrapped around. An awkward but life enhancing moment.
A shower: cold floor, warm water. Cold floor, warm towel wrapped around a vulnerable but happy body. The mirror. The question. More laughter.Very comfortable. The kebab left to go cold on the floor outside the bathroom.
Someone else's bed. No hesitation. In the midst of such natural romanticism, the ultimate carnal act. Animalistic, yet sweet and beautiful.
Dressing again and about to leave. Change of mind, turning round to see him lying there promising a night of warmth and a mid morning breakfast. Back into bed, fully clothed. His arms automatically there to catch.
Awoken by the endless banging and crashing of the neighbours comings and goings. Heat. Nausea. Three separate trips to the toilet pan. Then back to the bed. A delicious post sickness sleep and then more romanticism. One toenail black with fluff. Pretty eyes. Calm, masculine energy.
Surprised to see him walk back into the room after his shower; fully dressed, handsome and smiley.
A breakfast between two new friends. Nice, but tainted by sickness. A lovely fairwell with promises of being in touch. No expectations but a sense of hope.His last comment said in English and somehow out of place.
A sunkissed walk home through the streets, with the remnants of the night before there for all to see; but a satisfaction and contentment that was sorely needed.
lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012
miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012
Emotional Security in Foreign climes
To live abroad, and to live a single life, has it´s obvious advantages and various disadvantages.
As a single woman in Catalonia three years have passed in which many attempts were made to get to know the locals in a romantic context. It hasn´t been easy, and at times your awareness of being from a different culture is blatantly obvious, and serves as a barrier.
On one hand you are seen as exotic, but on the other, you are too exotic to be fully accepted.
However, throughout the last three years I have learnt endless things about myself, both as a woman and as a British woman.
I have felt fully accepted by the Catalan and Spanish people in nearly every situation, context and manner.However,sentimentally I have lacked the emotionally security of having a partner.This is slowly but surely changing and I believe being open and accepting whilst truly enjoying the culture in which you have chosen to live, helps form long term relationships.
language differences and cultural and moral clashes can of course cause issues. However, although living and working abroad is a constant challenge, it leaves you feeling stimulated and alive on a daily basis.It also serves to distinguish you from those around you, and can at times leave you feeling isolated.
However, once you have formed a strong base in a foreign country, everything else seems to fall into place.
Can you have everything I ask myself?Emotional, work and financial security?
As a single woman in Catalonia three years have passed in which many attempts were made to get to know the locals in a romantic context. It hasn´t been easy, and at times your awareness of being from a different culture is blatantly obvious, and serves as a barrier.
On one hand you are seen as exotic, but on the other, you are too exotic to be fully accepted.
However, throughout the last three years I have learnt endless things about myself, both as a woman and as a British woman.
I have felt fully accepted by the Catalan and Spanish people in nearly every situation, context and manner.However,sentimentally I have lacked the emotionally security of having a partner.This is slowly but surely changing and I believe being open and accepting whilst truly enjoying the culture in which you have chosen to live, helps form long term relationships.
language differences and cultural and moral clashes can of course cause issues. However, although living and working abroad is a constant challenge, it leaves you feeling stimulated and alive on a daily basis.It also serves to distinguish you from those around you, and can at times leave you feeling isolated.
However, once you have formed a strong base in a foreign country, everything else seems to fall into place.
Can you have everything I ask myself?Emotional, work and financial security?
miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012
Descubriendo poesía Catalana....
El día de Sant Valentin he descubierto ese poeta Catalán y me he enamorado de sus letras.Ha sido muy interesante a ver como suena el romanticismo en otro idioma.
UN SONET PER A TU, Miquel Martí i Pol
Un sonet per a tu que em fas més clar
tant el dolor fecund com l'alegria,
un sonet amb els mots de cada dia,
amb els mots de conèixer i estimar.
Discretament l'escric, i vull pensar
que el rebràs amb discreta melangia,
com si es tractés d'alguna melodia
que sempre és agradable recordar.
Un sonet per a tu, només això,
però amb aquell toc lleu de fantasia
que fa que els versos siguin de debò.
Un sonet per a tu que m'ha permès
de dir-te clarament el que volia:
més enllà de tenir-te no hi ha res.
A sonnet for you which makes me clearer
both: pain and joy,
a sonnet with the words of every day
with words like know and love.
Writing it quietly, I want to think
that you will receive it with the discrete melancholy,
as if it was some melody
always nice to remember.
A sonnet for you, only that
but with that slight touch of fantasy
that makes the verses real.
A sonnet for you that has allowed me
to tell you clearly what I wanted:
there is nothing beyond having you.
lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012
Valentine´s Day: commercialism and romanticism combined
I believe in love and romance, but I also believe that our innate cynicism for all things romantic haults our sentimental instincts.The World we live in isn´t built for romance; it´s made up of insecurities and worries.
However, this Valentinés Day one should celebrate all forms of love; motherly, fatherly, sisterly, brotherly and friendships
.Instead of focusing on what we don´t have, and what we want, we would be better off thinking about what we have already achieved and the love that we are actually surrounded by.
Valentine´s day is another excuse for commercialism to out do itself with red hearts, flowers and chocolates being sold everywhere.However, we all know that romance is not simply about a red heart: it´s about sharing, giving emotionally and being there...
Spain has shown me another take on romance and love: I am constantly surrounded by affection and admiration. I see virtual strangers responding to me in a positive way, and this creates a real sense of belonging.A stranger in strange climes, but actually thanks to the affection of strangers, I have never felt so much part of a culture.
Instead of being scared of becoming involved with someone, I would urge our generation to embrace it.To give emotionally is to receive. Plus, to feel secure emotionally provides society with a real base for a strong, secure future.
However, this Valentinés Day one should celebrate all forms of love; motherly, fatherly, sisterly, brotherly and friendships
.Instead of focusing on what we don´t have, and what we want, we would be better off thinking about what we have already achieved and the love that we are actually surrounded by.
Valentine´s day is another excuse for commercialism to out do itself with red hearts, flowers and chocolates being sold everywhere.However, we all know that romance is not simply about a red heart: it´s about sharing, giving emotionally and being there...
Spain has shown me another take on romance and love: I am constantly surrounded by affection and admiration. I see virtual strangers responding to me in a positive way, and this creates a real sense of belonging.A stranger in strange climes, but actually thanks to the affection of strangers, I have never felt so much part of a culture.
Instead of being scared of becoming involved with someone, I would urge our generation to embrace it.To give emotionally is to receive. Plus, to feel secure emotionally provides society with a real base for a strong, secure future.
martes, 17 de enero de 2012
Año nuevo, vida nueva
El año ha empezado bien; no se puede quejar la verdad.
A llegar a Barcelona después de estar unos cuantos días en una Isla Británica con un frío extremadamente mal, ha sido bastante agradable.
El clima realmente afecta a nuestro estado de humor. En unos casos también se puede controlar como nos sentimos en tal momento y tal día.
La felicidad, o mejor dicho: nuestro estado de felicidad actual, viene directamente en cuenta con lo que está pasando por nuestros alrededores.Aquí en Cataluña pasan muy pocos días anuales en que el sol desaparece de vista.El calor de ese sol alimenta la tierra y también nos alegra el día.
Tanto como que las personas involucradas en nuestras vidas nos pueden hacer daño de muchos tipos distintos, un clima desagradable hace que nos desanimemos.
Pero aquí en España mi felicidad se va creciendo cada vez más.Por eso he entrado en el 2012 con una positividad tremenda.
Hay que recordar de que para superar momentos difíciles, y problemas personales, hay que primero crear y luego mantener una mentalidad positiva. Nuestra capacidad por realizar nuestro sueños en hechos es infinito. Pero primero tenemos que pensar que somos personas capaces, y que la felicidad podría ser nuestra.
A llegar a Barcelona después de estar unos cuantos días en una Isla Británica con un frío extremadamente mal, ha sido bastante agradable.
El clima realmente afecta a nuestro estado de humor. En unos casos también se puede controlar como nos sentimos en tal momento y tal día.
La felicidad, o mejor dicho: nuestro estado de felicidad actual, viene directamente en cuenta con lo que está pasando por nuestros alrededores.Aquí en Cataluña pasan muy pocos días anuales en que el sol desaparece de vista.El calor de ese sol alimenta la tierra y también nos alegra el día.
Tanto como que las personas involucradas en nuestras vidas nos pueden hacer daño de muchos tipos distintos, un clima desagradable hace que nos desanimemos.
Pero aquí en España mi felicidad se va creciendo cada vez más.Por eso he entrado en el 2012 con una positividad tremenda.
Hay que recordar de que para superar momentos difíciles, y problemas personales, hay que primero crear y luego mantener una mentalidad positiva. Nuestra capacidad por realizar nuestro sueños en hechos es infinito. Pero primero tenemos que pensar que somos personas capaces, y que la felicidad podría ser nuestra.
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