Geovanny, 33 and Colombian. He is separated and has a child.We were neighbours.We met in the street one day. He was a kind of friend but I don´t see him as a potential partner.What we have is respectful but It doesn´t interest me that much. I invest too much energy into my sentimental relationships at times, but with Geovanny I am much more complacent. He is what he is and as a long term partner he would not be for me. A friendship with a man is a very good thing.I enjoy male company, but in this case, there is not so much complicity.
Pete, 31; an English guy that we met in a bar before Christmas 2010. He seemed every bit the gentleman.Very correct and generous.A nice person. We went out together a few times and It was all very slow burning.However, unfortunately It later materialised that his relationship with alcohol was all consuming. Seeing this fatal flaw in him put an odd end to something that started well.We never spoke again and he left Barcelona a few months ago.
Jean, 29, Ecuadorian.We met in the pizzeria where he works over 2 years ago.We become friends and have been ever since.He is very special to me.He was interested in me romantically at the beginning of our friendship but never attempted anything.He is either shy or simply doesn´t advance with women that easily.So we have a very affectionate friendship and I pass by his place of work weekly to spend time with him there.All of his colleagues know me and I am the queen of the place.It´s an incomparable feeling to be so loved.The Pizzeria has the most wonderful atmosphere thanks to the staff´s energy and presence.If they didn´t work there, It would be cavernous and without personality. Jean is a very special person.Someone who I will probably never be with in any context apart from friendship...something is always unsaid between us I feel.Was I or am I attracted to him?
Henry, 31: my wonderful, sweet Henry.He also works at the same pizzeria as Jean.He is the life and soul of the place.He has a warmth and magnetism that is truly extraordinary.We have also known each other for over 2 years, and he always jokes that he was in love with me calls my mother his mother in law!However, he is tiny and I am very tall and as a joke he stands on a stool to kiss me hello and goodbye!He has a very strong masculine energy however.I truly love him.When we are together we don´t stop laughing.He is a joy to be around.My friends who come to visit me, say that for them, ´´Henry´s Pizzeria´´ is their first and last port of call!La Sagrada Familia and other such tourist attractions, pale into insignificance next to Henry!